Gilmore Community School will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025. We are encouraging all students to wear RED or Grizzly Gear if they don’t have red!
Jump Rope for Heart, is the Heart Foundation’s fundraising and skipping program that helps school children move more and have FUN to improve their own heart, whilst raising vital funds for heart disease research, patient support and programs that help save lives.
Jump is about kids helping kids bring together hundreds of thousands of other kids across Canada every year in physical activity to build healthy habits for life!
We love participating in Jump Rope for Heart because:
- Money raised by our school helps drive important heart and brain health research that will save lives, prevent heart disease and stroke and support families living with these conditions.
- Jump is an inclusive event that ensures ALL students can move in their own way – encouraging students to discover new and exciting ways to be active.
- Students learn the EASY Healthy Habits that they can use to keep their hearts and brains healthy and help reduce their risk of developing heart disease and stroke later on in life.
- Jump gives back to schools and students! If our school fundraises more than $1,000 we will receive 5% of our fundraising dollars back to put towards what we need most – or we can donate it back to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Students also can earn Thank You gift cards from Indigo, Amazon or Walmart based on their fundraising levels as a heartfelt thank you for their hard work.
Thanks to the support of millions of parents, teachers, students and donors, fundraising online has never been easier! Join our school (GILMORE ELEMENTARY) and help Heart and Stroke save lives by fundraising at If you join Jump Rope for Heart before February 28, 2025, you will have a change to win a $1000 Wintergreen Gift Card. Every donation over $5 will receive a tax receipt and your donation gives you the possibility to earn gift cards from places such as INDIGO, AMAZON and WALMART!
Protecting our heart and brain is as EASY as practicing healthy habits every day.
Let’s get ready to have fun and JUMP Rope for HEART!! 😊 and as always, thanks for your support